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Common problems with spraying equipment

Spray paint painting line generally adopts water curtain spray paint room, water rotation spray paint room, dry spray paint room, horizontal spray paint room to spray the workpiece. The spray coating line generally adopts the electrostatic spraying method to spray the workpiece. The main equipment of the spray room is composed of the spray room, the electrostatic spraying equipment, the spray gun and the powder recovery device. Now the main paint painting line in the water curtain paint room as an example for an overview and analysis. This kind of water curtain spray paint room is simple and practical, at present in spray paint painting line more applications.

Water curtain painting room in the structure includes: room body, water tank, water curtain board, water circulation system, ventilation filtration system, lighting device, etc.

Water curtain spray booth front is water curtain board, water curtain board has overflow trough above, behind water curtain board is spray device of multilevel water curtain. The workpiece is sent to the painting room by the suspension conveyor chain. The operator USES a hand-held electrostatic spray gun or stationary rotary cup spray gun to spray the workpiece when the spray operation, flying spray spray mist with airflow attraction, into the spray room, first and water curtain board water curtain encounter, is washed to the tank, the rest of the paint mist through the multistage water curtain spray purification, completely intercepted in the water. The air flow after removing paint mist is then processed by air-water separation device to remove odor, and the purified gas is finally discharged. The paint mist captured by the water curtain flows with water into the basin, and then the paint residue floats on the surface after being filtered by the pump. Under the action of paint coagulant added into the basin, the paint residue condenses into loose clumps, which can be scooped out in a container for centralized treatment to keep the water clean. Through the water curtain spray room and the role of auxiliary equipment, can be ideal to complete the workpiece spray paint and paint mist purification purposes.

The common problems of electrostatic spraying equipment are the environmental pollution of the production site: the discharge of water (slag) and waste gas pollution of the spray booth; Dust pollution caused by overflows of powder in the spraying room. In addition, in the electrical explosion protection (fire) aspect, also has many deficiencies, such as: electrical explosion protection (fire) grade does not meet the national mandatory standard requirements, explosion protection (fire) facilities configuration is not complete and so on. Because these problems generally do not affect the quality of the workpiece spraying, so often do not pay attention to or from the cost of consideration and be cut, so more need the supervision of the relevant departments and mandatory requirements to promote, in order to eliminate safety risks, improve the operating environment, and make the waste gas (water) emission standards. In recent years as environmental protection requirement is strict, environmental protection coating gets rapid development, had positive effect to reducing environmental pollution.

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